
Being green can save your firm money

By rotide
Created 02/09/2009 - 09:49
Over half of small and medium-sized businesses now have measures in place to reduce the harm they do to the environment, with 84% recycling their waste, up from 66% in 2007, and many are seeing bottom-line benefits - from winning more business to motivating their workforce.

All businesses have a responsibility to minimise their environmental impact. Making up 99% of British business, small companies have a huge potential to positively influence the green credentials of the UK plc. NetRegs has found that almost half of the UK's SMEs undertake an activity that can harm the environment, such as storing waste or using packaging. However, very few businesses have a member of staff responsible for managing their environmental impact - which also puts them at risk of non-compliance.

Some are actually cutting back on their investment in their green improvements, with the recession being blamed. However, NetRegs' Strategy Manager Debbie Chatting is keen to point out that improving your environmental practices does not need to cost money and can improve profit margins. As many companies in the supply chain now include specific environmental questions in their tender forms, building measures into a business plan, training staff to consider their environmental impact and encouraging simple steps such as recycling paper and sourcing from local providers can actually result in winning more work.

Top tips for a greener business future:
improving your environmental practices does not need to cost money and can improve profit margins

1. Make one member of staff responsible for environmental issues - and support them. Suggest that they make a list of all the areas where the business can reduce its impact.

2. Use NetRegs.gov.uk to carry out an online self assessment for your business. This will help to identify particular areas in need of improvement and also help you to stay compliant with the law by highlighting what regulations apply to your company.

3. Implement an environmental policy, which clearly outlines your targets. You can use your list as a starting point. This is often asked for by companies during tender processes, so it's a good ‘extra' to mention when bidding for business.

4. Encourage all members of staff to take environmental policies seriously - the more support you have, the better the results will be. NetRegs has found that those businesses implementing environmental measures often see a more motivated workforce as a result.

5. Put some measurements in place to see what difference your new behaviour is having, year on year. For example, look at your energy unit consumption on your energy bill. You can cut it down by ensuring all staff turn off their PC monitors, lights and electric appliances over night.

6. Carry out a waste audit. Make sure that you are recycling your waste or that your waste contractor is sorting and pre-treating your waste on your behalf. NetRegs.gov.uk has a directory of licensed waste contractors to help you find one near to you.

For more information visit www.netregs.gov.uk [1]

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