
Understanding the delivery needs of the internet shopper

By rotide
Created 11/02/2013 - 13:58

The online retail environment increasingly has an ‘open all hours' mentality with savvy Internet shoppers wanting to be in complete control and make buying decisions based on flexible and convenient delivery solutions [1].


With consumers shopping whenever they want, there is an increasing expectation that delivery options match their buying habits and fit with increasingly busy lifestyles. In fact, they are wanting high levels of service at all times and failure to meet these expectations can potentially damage the reputation of the online retailer and the strength of their relationship with the customer.


Our recent Parcel Deliveries Usage and Attitude Survey found that four in ten consumers were now significantly influenced by the availability of a broad range of delivery options [2] - such as to home, safe place, neighbour, ParcelShop or place of work - when choosing a retailer online. Moreover, it showed there is no longer much variation in the most suitable time or day to receive a parcel suggesting that more than ever the consumer wants a delivery service that is tailored to their precise circumstances.


Also, it seems that convenience is now a far greater consideration over speed of delivery for the online consumer. The findings show that only 13 per cent of respondents thought that guaranteed next-day was very important when selecting a shipping option, with only 6 per cent saying they always made a decision on the basis of how quickly an order is delivered. In contrast, almost half claimed that the availability of a specified day option was very important in the decision making process.


Despite the demand for greater choice and flexibility, there is little or no appetite from the consumer to pay for any premium delivery options. Whilst 55 per cent recognise that they are shopping online more to reduce fuel and parking costs associated with shopping on the high-street, they are generally reluctant to pass this saving on to an online retailer to cover delivery, increasingly expecting services to be offered free of charge.


Meanwhile, the research highlighted the increasing importance of effective customer service to resolve any delivery issues. It suggested there was a need to respond to an enquiry almost immediately with 58 per cent of consumers saying they wanted a reply within an hour and 60 per cent expecting any problem to be resolved first time. Failure to do so posed considerable risk to the retailer with 69 per cent claiming that a bad customer experience would have a very negative effect on their decision to use a particular website again.


The delivery expectations of the consumer are higher than ever and the findings of the survey underline the importance for carriers and retailers to work together to develop highly flexible, responsive and efficient solutions that meet the precise needs of the Internet shopper. The consumer is shopping online because of the convenience and savings that can be made, so the delivery needs to reflect these motives.


http://www.hermes-europe.co.uk/future.html [3]

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