
Premium Numbers to end June 13th

By rotide
Created 12/05/2014 - 12:44

A divisive law that outlaws the use of business rate 08 numbers kicks into place on June 13th*. The law states that popular numbers such as 0845 and 0870 can no longer be used for consumer services. This is great news for the consumer who no longer has to suffer inflated phone bills from calling these numbers, but causes a massive headache for the thousands of businesses who have these numbers in circulation.

Stuart Spice, director of leading UK telecoms tech start-up company, buzzbox, has welcomed the change. "08 numbers have always been a source for frustration, particularly for mobile users who have to pay a premium to call these numbers as they're not included in call minute packages". He has a point; 08 numbers are ambiguously priced with some numbers costing upwards of 15 pence a minute, it is this very reason that the EU is aiming to phase them out.

So what's the alternative? For non-geographic numbering, the best options are numbers starting with 03. Stuart says buzzbox has been touting the benefits of these numbers and supplying them to their customers for years now. "For companies having to migrate away from 08 numbers there's only one real alternative: the 03 number." says Stuart. 03 numbers are by law only allowed to be charged at local call rates so often they are included in call minute packages. Also, they're non geographic so still gives the company that exclusive nationwide cache.

While this new legislation might be good news for consumers, the business sector is unlikely to welcome the news with open arms. "Serious investment has been put into 08 numbers in the form of printed material, websites and business cards; they all have to be re-printed" Stuart continues. Besides this, companies were able to generate revenue from these calls which will also come to an end soon. "The new law states that for consumer services, 08 numbers can no longer be used. They can continue for B2B services for now, but let's make no bones about it, this is the death knell for the 08 phone number."

How quickly the changeover happens is anyone's guess, but with growing pressure from consumers to outlaw these costly numbers, for many, it's a case of the sooner the better.

* Source: http://www.phonepayplus.org.uk/For-Business/Code-and-Help/Code-Compliance-Updates/Effect-of-changes-in-consumer-law-on-the-use-of-premium-rate-numbers.aspx [1]

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