
Top tips for keeping your business safe online

By rotide
Created 18/11/2014 - 10:24

However, the reality is that SMEs are an attractive target for cyber criminals. They can benefit from stealing your intellectual property, customer data, financial information - and even address details, all of which can be easily accessible to them unless you follow basic steps to protect your business.

Whilst the idea of implementing cyber security measures can overwhelm many small business owners, the reality is that securing your business doesn't have to be time consuming or expensive. In fact, it presents opportunities to boost your reputation, improve your customer service, become more productive and gain an advantage over competitors.

Below are a series of top tips to help small business owners increase the barrier to entry for cyber criminals, protecting themselves, their staff, their reputation, and their cash flow:

1.       Train your staff -Your staff are the best line of defence against cyber crime. The most common problems faced by businesses include staff exposing IT systems to malware by plugging in external devices and USB sticks, opening infected emails or using unsafe websites with malicious code. Make staff aware of the dos and don'ts and help them understand how a cyber attack could affect them and the business. There is a free online course available for small businesses - see the Cyber Streetwise website for more information.

2.       Keep software secure - Don't ignore those messages from known and trusted providers asking you to update your software! They exist to keep you as secure as possible and to close any holes that hackers may have found their way intowww.cyberstreetwise.com [1] to get more advice on the steps you can take to keep your business safe online.


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