
When it comes to the crunch

By rotide
Created 08/06/2015 - 19:10
Crunchers Logo.PNG

What is the background to Crunchers? And with two co-founders, who does what in the business?

Crunchers Accountants is a spin-off of our bookkeeping software company.

Our software has been used by thousands of businesses. It's much simpler than full accounting software like Sage or Xero but much better than doing the books manually, or using spreadsheets.

With Cloud technology transforming the accounting profession we see an opportunity to make a difference by extending what we do and offering an accounting service. The Crunchers Accountants brand allows us to working directly with business owners.

Tim and I both work on the business strategy and we bounce ideas off each other. We've worked together a long time now, and have found a dynamic that works. 

In Crunchers I lead the marketing and accounting operations; Tim focuses on the technology, development and takes care of support on the bookkeeping software. We work collaboratively, each with our own areas of expertise but also with a shared vision.

Crunchers are self-styled "alternative accountants". Alternative to what?

We are an alternative to traditional accountants. Traditional accountants have a very different focus and mindset to us. We like to concentrate on the business owner and get to know them so that we can create a bespoke service, tailored around helping them achieve their personal goals by leveraging their business.

We challenge business owners, introducing them to new ideas and concepts which they will benefit from. We look forward and work to create a better future for their business, taking into account the reason they are in business. This includes examining their motivation so we can help people to get the most out of their business.

Traditional accountants tend to be very internally focussed and have their head in the past, thinking about last year's accounts. At the end of the day many just give an expensive history lesson. Tim and I have both worked with traditional accountants in the past and we see the potential for something new; an innovative response to outdated accountancy.

Do you specialise in a certain size of company or specific
area of the UK?

Based from our office in Cornwall we can work directly with businesses all over the UK.

Crunchers specialises in start-ups and young businesses that are looking to grow. We can work with established businesses but only if they want to improve their results. We don't just do basic accounts and tax returns; there are plenty of accountants doing that.

We get established businesses to take one or two steps back so they can go two or three step forward.

Whether you are a start-up, young business or established, we will take you through a process we call "Improving the Numbers".

What do you offer a typical client and at what cost?

As well as accounts, tax and bookkeeping services we also offer clients business planning and coaching as standard.

Business planning includes the latest software which automatically compares targets to actual results. This allows clients to track and measure their progress, and change their business plan on the fly. Successful business planning is about being agile and adapting to change.

Our business coaching is about identifying the key numbers that drive the results. By focusing on and being obsessed with just 3-5 numbers any business can transform its results.

It is a simple, clear method with direct, visible results. Each of these areas of Crunchers will be more suited to particular businesses of varying sizes, so we always make sure in initial conversations to make time to understand a client's vision in order to direct them to the most aspect of the Crunchers brand that will more effectively work for them.

Prices start at just £30 a month for the very basic service for a sole trader. All prices are fixed and agreed in advanced. Most businesses who work with us will end up trading through a limited company. This has many benefits, including tax savings, and a typical fee for this type of structure is £150 a month.

What benefits has Cloud accounting brought to the profession?

The truth is that some accountants are making more profit because of cloud accounting. This is because it is a more efficient way of working and the accountants have not passed the savings onto the client.

We believe it is just a matter of time before everyone catches up and prices for basic accounting services will come down. So, at Crunchers we are focusing on relationships and advice.

We use the cloud to enable us to do work we could not do before. The business planning and coaching we do is usually only available to big businesses who can afford it. But, by using the internet and cloud accounting, Crunchers have democratised business advice. Any business can now get world class business advice.

By being online, it means we can be flexible and base our work around our clients. We use video conferencing to keep up-to-date with our clients, nationally and across the world. We can spend more time with clients during the year, and get up to speed in real time, offering advice and training at a moment's notice. Communication is key, so we'd much rather be on the end of the phone when our clients actually need us, rather than the one or two meetings scheduled months in advance you so often find with traditional accountants.

Do you recommend specific software to potential clients and why?

We obviously recommend our own software because it's the simplest in the world. But we also recommend Xero because there are so many add-ons that connect to it. These add-ons provide a platform for growth. We work with Xero to provide the complete package; secure, simple and up-to-date.

Xero is as secure as online banking and more secure than doing bookkeeping on your own computer. Because the system in based in the cloud, everything happens in real time; a huge improvement on outdated accounting software. You can track funds, invoice and conduct all standard business and management reporting in an instant.

Has cloud accounting changed or is it changing the nature of the accountancy profession?

Yes, the internet is changing all businesses and accountancy is no exception. All I would say is that accountants are not that quick on the uptake. This gives us an opportunity so I'm happy if traditional accountants resist change.

How is the relationship between client and accountancy firm evolving and what does the future look like?

I think relationships are improving by moving online. Social media is a good example. Two years ago I was not using it, now I am on Facebook every day.

The online world will continue to grow and present new opportunities and challenges for all businesses. With so much change occurring, it is vital to plan and to have a strategy.

This is why the first meeting with us is a business review, rather than just looking at the finance and tax. We are looking forward to opening our doors to new businesses and to meeting individuals who are as passionate and excited about the future of Crunchers as we are.

For more information visit Crunchers website   [1]


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