
Yahoo restructuring staff cuts announced

By rotide
Created 03/02/2016 - 08:39

CEO of beleaguered internet giant Yahoo and former Google executive Marissa Meyer, is cutting staff globally in the region of 15%, part of the ongoing plan to update a sprawling former foundation stone of the internet, that has failed to move with the fast moving markets in which they have operated, since 1994.

She sure has a long way to go if she ever had Google in her sights, with Google believed to have just overtaken Apple as the most valuable company in the world with a worth of around US$560 billion, give or take the odd ten billion. Yahoo has a value of less than 10% of that and most of this value is down to their holding in Alibaba, the Chinese based E-commerce portal, active and successful globally.

Once the staff cuts work through, Yahoo will end 2016 with about 9,000 staff and will have closed offices across the globe.

Whether Meyer will be one of those remaining 9,000 remains to be seen. Meyer, was brought in to turn Yahoo around back in 2012 and there is no sign of a strategy as yet that will allow them to play in the same game as the likes of Google and Facebook.

Current losses in the last year's trading are £3 billion and this particular hole needs plugging before Yahoo can move forward with a clear identity and with a clear strategy, above staying afloat. Senior analysts are losing faith in the current CEO'S ability to bring value to shareholders. 

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