
Entrepreneur Insight - David Wolfe

By rotide
Created 12/04/2016 - 07:17
David Wolfe.JPG

Eureka moment
I'm not an inventor so I didn't have a traditional ‘eureka' moment. Instead, I bring new ideas to life by combining talent, creativity and business discipline. Athletes compete and train, dreaming of the day when they score the winning goal. Entrepreneurship is very similar. I didn't wake up one morning and think, "eureka, I think I can build a mattress company." But when serendipity played its hand, my team and I were ready. 

Businesses don't go under because they make losses, it's because they run out of cash. That's why balance sheets provide a much better picture of a company's health than its P&L account. If you can provide your own capital, you can control your destiny. As soon as you take in outside funding, you have to be thinking about an exit for your investors. Communication is key, whether you borrow money or raise equity. As an entrepreneur, I'm a bit unusual - I like to under-promise. If a business is successful, everyone should win. If it's unsuccessful, everyone's downside must be protected and there should be no surprises.

None. You can't regret what you don't do and I learn from everything I do, whether it works or not.

What would you have changed?

Things are going well and as the saying goes, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Everything I've done has led me to this point, so why would I change anything? I'm happy where I am and the journey was pretty good too.

www.leesa.co.uk [1]



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