
The importance of a business mentor

By admin
Created 27/01/2010 - 11:08

A mentor can be described as an someone, usually more experienced, who advises and guides a younger, less experienced person. To an entrepreneur, a mentor is someone with more entrepreneurial business experience than yourself. This mentor serves as a trusted advisor over an extended period of time, typically at no charge. Mentors work as a way of giving back to society what they have typically received during their lifetime. Most mentor relationships serve two-fold, they learn new ideas from and impart wisdom to those they are mentoring.

Who needs a mentor?
Everyone needs a mentor. Any person looking to better themselves professionally and personally needs someone to give them the perspective of how others view them, to challenge them and to support them. Just as it is important to have a mentor, it is equally important to find a mentor who is well suited for you.

5 ways choosing the right mentor can help your business
The first way choosing the right mentor will help your business is that you are learning directly from the mentor. A mentor who is in the same line of business as you can foresee any issues that might arise in the way that your business is run. Mentors are well aware of what sort of issues come up and can provide insight where you don't have any idea of what to do.

A mentor who is in the same line of business as you can foresee any issues that might arise

The second way choosing the right mentor will help your business is the opportunity to learn from their mistakes. Mentors can point out something they have learned on their own path that directly relates to issues you are dealing with. Sometimes you have to go down a specific path to learn; but having a mentor can shorten the time it takes you to get to your goal. Mentors can direct you and talk about their own mistakes, hopefully saving you from making the same mistakes of losing time and money.

The third and, one of the more important ways choosing the right mentor can help your business, is the leverage they can provide. Leverage having a mentors insights and contacts in your business. It is quite flattering to be asked to be a mentor. And many times the mentor takes your success very personally and they want to help you develop your business out of instinct. They put you in touch with the right people and can make things happen quite quickly that otherwise may have taken years to accomplish.

The fourth way having a mentor can help in your business is they are there directing you when you don't necessarily have someone over you. It is highly valued if you have a mentor when you go in for a loan. Banks do look into the management, not just what the business is doing.

The fifth reason having a mentor can help your business is that you really can bounce ideas off your mentor. It is immeasurable the insight and knowledge someone can provide who has been in your shoes.

Where can you find a mentor
There are many businesses that can help provide a mentor. Sometimes you pay for it, and sometimes it is done voluntarily or internally. Mentors are people you trust who are in your line of business. I urge you to find a mentor and establish this sure fire way to help your business succeed.

For more information please visit www.cashflownowsystem.com [1]

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