
Entrepreneur Insight - Debbie Roskow OBE,

By rotide
Created 05/06/2017 - 08:59
Debbie Roskow.jpg

The platform that allows you to book talented, created professionals, from stylists and interior designers to nutritionists and lifestyle coaches on demand or in advance 

Eureka moment

I was at home sorting out my ever-growing wardrobe, and being a busy working mum, and I found myself wishing there was a way to get some help to sort it out. I use Pinterest for inspiration and shop online, but what I wanted was creative help to do this better than I could myself. I discussed it with my friend and now co-founder Anna Jones (then CEO of Hearst UK), who offered me a contact she knew. But what I really wanted was direct access to her black book. It was then we realised there was a huge opportunity to open these black books and share creative help...at scale.


Initially, it was just Anna and I. Then we persuaded Philip Su (Facebook), Lars Rasmussen (co-founder of Google Maps) and Tory Frame (Barry's Bootcamp) among others to come on board as initial investors.


As an entrepreneur, you always want more, faster, especially when you see such a big opportunity. You want to keep driving things forward and that's not always possible.

What would you have changed?

It's important to not just have a great idea, but have a brilliant team to deliver it and the drive to see it through. We are lucky we have recruited superstars to the team quickly - Alexandra Cappy as MD (Uber) and Jo Lavender as CMO (Pinterest).
Our challenge is now how we bring in and keep engaged a network of stylists who in turn will build up a community of people to purchase style services.

www.sharestyle.com [1]


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