
Net Promoter Score NPS - Pros and cons

By rotide
Created 19/07/2017 - 11:24

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The Net Promoter Score [1] (NPS) is one of the many different methods for measuring the customer's attitudes and behaviours. NPS evaluates customer loyalty, and it's a way of measuring how well an organization treats their customers. This type of data helps a company to improve their products and services.

How does NPS work?

It's very simple. The company sends a one question survey to their customers.

"How likely is it that you would recommend Company/Product X to a friend or a colleague?"

Then, the question is rated on a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 means extremely likely to recommend and 0 means not likely at all.

People who score a 9 or a 10 are what's called "Promoters". They are loyal customers, they buy regularly and they recommend the brand to other people.

People who score a 7 or an 8 are "Passives". They are satisfied but they are not loyal. They would switch to the competition at any moment.

Finally, people who score 6 and below are "Detractors". They are unhappy customers and they would speak badly about the brand/product.

The Net Promoter Score can be calculated by finding the percentage of promoters and then subtracting the percentage of detractors.

NPS Benefits

NPS disadvantages

As you can see, NPS is a very useful tool to measure customer's loyalty. We recommend combining the NPS score, with only one question, with other customer metric techniques that can help you identify what actions need to take place to improve the customer experience.

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