
Be Original: How to Make Your Start-Up Stand Out

By rotide
Created 12/04/2018 - 16:56
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In a world of ever-evolving tech, gizmos, gadgets and media, business opportunities are there for the taking at every conceivable bend in the road. All it takes is the right timing and a man or woman with a balance of knowledge, ambition and guts.

Finding your start-up niche is only half the battle, however.

Once you're established in the relative field, there'll be no small amount of competition to overcome. In fact, with so many up and coming brands across the business spectrum, just distinguishing yourself from your fellows in the first place can be a challenge in and of itself. If you're in the process of building a product identity, if you're trying to break out from the pack, fear not. Here are five easy steps to get you on the road to success.  

1. Observe, Reflect, Distinguish

Step one: observe. Analyse your competitors, reflect on their strengths, then work out what you can do to distinguish yourself in the market. Is your product more or less expensive? More streamlined? Does it have inviting graphic design? When presenting yourself to the business world, it's important to capitalise on your strengths and downplay the relative weaknesses of your start-up. Most of all, however, maintain originality in and around your product.

with UK live dealers at Super Casino [1]. These guys have homed in on their brand, polished it, and laid it all out with great web design, clean instruction and multiple ways to play.

2. Mind Your Manners

Customer service - whether you're selling by phone, by counter or by online transaction, making things as easy and pleasant as possible for your buyers from day 1 is key to turning profit. It'll keep folks coming back, it'll spread the word and it'll do your product proud. 

3. Setting Your Ethic

Hiring workers? Make sure your office and off-site contractors are aware of your companies work ethic right off the bat [2]. Are you a high intensity fast paced environment? Are deadlines terminal? How flexible is each employee's schedule? Work this out and stick to it.

Elon Musk in particular is famous for inspiring a culture of maximum performance in his array of companies and entrepreneur efforts, leading by example at SpaceX and Tesla alike. Whilst his hard grind approach might not be sustainable in every field of business, not least your own, it certainly has brought results. It's all a matter of finding that groove.   

4. In Layman's Terms

office Desk

Depending on the complexity of your start-up product, it may be prudent to work out how exactly to translate its uses to a more uninformed market. Even within potential customer companies there will be multiple departments and people not necessarily informed as to the technology or know-how of your given field. Simplify your lingo, then present it in a clean and effective manner. Easy as pie.

5. Media Representation 

Social media is your best friend [3]. Stand out from the crowd by being proactive - creative profiles on major forums and websites relative to your product and then push them. It's free marketing, brand awareness and customer interaction all rolled into one. An opportunity not to be missed for any start-up.

NOMNOM Chocolate is a great example. A newborn Wales-based confectionery company, NOMNOM channels quirky and original flavours into the online stratosphere to great effect on both Facebook and Instagram, teasing new products and forming relationships with customers both local and global.  

So get on out there! Beat back the competition, stay true to your product and make it unique. You've found your gap in the market - now all you need to do is make your claim stick. 

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