
The problem with ‘male templates’ in business

By rotide
Created 20/01/2020 - 19:05
Performing as You.jpg

The ‘call' for more enlightened vision and values - walking the talk - is getting louder.  It's against this backdrop that the reality TV show, The Apprentice depresses me in much the same way that Love Island depresses me. Both shows mind-numbingly celebrate and elevate the concept of ‘winning' (profit or pulling) regardless of the process.

Admittedly, the producers of these shows have their fingers on the pulse of the viewership as they continue to thrive, feeding our guilty pleasure precisely because of their nastiness.  As the saying goes, usually in the context of physical and mental fitness, "we become what we practice." Likewise, over consumption of these hard core, body-pumping, end-game male templates as ‘winners' keep these models on the shelf well beyond their sell-by date.  They could do with a good clear out to make space for women to create their own leadership templates rather than conforming, as they appear to do on shows like The Apprentice, to the profit-driven ruthless template, complicit in their own ‘epidemic of obedience.'

Contradictions, politics and ever-changing perspectives on gender equality and advancing female talent abound, from Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In to Michelle Obama's ‘It's a lie, you can't have it all'. Nevertheless, there are some consistent realities for women: the aspiration for fulfilment in work, the ambition for personal and professional growth, and the economic necessity of single-working-woman and single-working-mother households as well as two-earner households.

We can all agree that organisations and their cultures can be healthier, happier and more sustainable if the people in them feel supported, valued and purposeful, and it would help to have a lot more women as players in this enlightened leadership field. We need their voices and visibility to manifest this story. Historically there's simply a lot more male templates around leading and influencing, whether the stereotypical one mentioned earlier or more evolved ones, and women could do with a bit of template-crafting of their own. This can be especially hard for women leaders because their ‘me time' for ‘rehearsal' is at such a premium and because they can sometimes be hard of hearing when it comes to messages of self-permission.

The courage to be authentic

Forging one's own leadership template as a woman means being and bringing more of ourselves through the door to help change the story of what professional life looks like.

There are many things you can do to step into a fuller authentic self: Drop the corporate mask and allow yourself to express emotion rather than damping it down; share your vulnerability rather than blockading it; speak language that conveys your meaning effectively rather than speaking in the shorthand company jargon; harness your animated, passionate, energised self by connecting to your creativity and sources of your inspiration, practice claiming the ‘I' in the story of your achievements, ask for help, refresh your ‘brand audit' about your unique contributions and strengths and take one action step towards creating something you want to see in your organisation.  You have everything you need to act with courageous authenticity and dare to do something that makes a positive difference.

Forging new templates for leading require an awakening of your inner revolutionary. Whether gentle or gigantic, silent or seismic, diplomatic or disruptive, you have a unique energy and gift that must be expressed. Take a moment to reflect on an action you'd like to take, or a stretch you'd like to make. Envision the first step and then ask yourself: what the consequence is of not doing this?

As the legendary dancer, Martha Graham said, "There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost."

Go forth, perform as you and join the procession of women who inspire you by inspiring yourself.

Dr.Diana Theodores is an executive performance coach, speaker and Director of Theatre4Business. Her new book Performing As You: How to have authentic impact in every role you play is out now. To find out more go to: www.theatre4business.com [1]

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