
Entrepreneur insights - Jack Griffiths and Joel Pierre – Snuggy loungewear

By rotide
Created 11/09/2021 - 10:16

Eureka moment

I suppose our eureka moment was probably when we were doing a bit of casual market research, checking competitors in the country, finding out how saturated the market is and where we can fit in. We were really struggling to find anything like what we wanted to provide, which is always an exciting sign but there sometimes can be a reason for that, patents/trademarks etc. However, it finally clicked after a few more days of hard research that we had found our entry into the industry.


Thankfully, we had been saving up from about 16 onwards, this along with other smaller businesses we previously had, allowed us to fund Snuggy [1] ourselves. We put in a total of £40,000 of our savings to build the foundations and order stock.


I have no regrets in business, we're young and still learning every day. One thing that I always remember is - ‘Your mistakes and losses in business are just as important as your wins'. If you can figure out how to appreciate your mistakes and failures and actually learn to grow from them, then you have the right mindset for growing your business. It's quite easy to make a big mistake and beat yourself up about it and lose motivation, you really need to do the opposite.

What would you have changed?

One thing I wished we had done since the very beginning is really invest more in branding and packaging. First impressions are huge for online brands the first few seconds of your customer seeing their order play a big part.

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