
Need a reason to quit heavy drinking? Do it for your kids

By rotide
Created 14/03/2022 - 14:45
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Alcohol is usually the drink of choice for people looking to celebrate. With so many different varieties and influential personalities stepping into the market with their own brands, alcohol is becoming a major commodity in many parts of the world. Unfortunately, this also means that there is a steep rise in the detrimental effects and risks associated with this drink. As per the NIAAA, 25.8% of people engaged in binge drinking in the US in 2019.

Medical and social effects of alcoholism

Alcohol is a harmful drink if consumed in large quantities. There were 85,688 deaths due to liver diseases in individuals aged 12 and above in 2019, according to data released in the United States. Approximately 43.1% of this involved alcohol. With heavy consumption, the alcohol levels in the body begin to rise to a dangerous level that can't be cleared away by a healthy liver. Some of the most common problems include high blood pressure, stroke, liver disease, and a compromised immune system. Alcohol is the third-leading cause of preventable disease in the US, with 95,000 deaths annually, and the data for the UK doesn't look much better.

Besides changes in the body, alcohol also influences an individual's social life in many negative aspects. Besides lethargy and headaches, drinkers begin to feel irritable and short-tempered. This behavioural change may cause them to lash out at important people in their social circle such as family, friends, colleagues, and even their boss. Therefore, alcoholism can be a serious problem for individuals working day-to-day jobs. ukhomedetox.co.uk [1] is another safe alternative to residential treatment is a medically-managed home detox service. People that are heavily reliant on liquor should consult doctors for their addiction, or join therapy sessions that offer a peaceful environment.


In conclusion, there are lots of harmful effects of alcohol, which alter a person's social and personal life drastically.

1.     Drinking can cause disturbances in an individual's mental state, causing anxiety and depression.

2.     Such disturbed individuals often lash out at their family members, harming them physically and mentally.

3.     Children are affected the most in such cases, either directly or through witnessing traumatic incidents in the household.

4.     Heavy drinking is the root cause behind many cases of domestic violence.

Alcohol addiction may look ordinary in many cases, but it doesn't stop there. It can be a major influence behind many grim actions, which may result in serious trouble. So, the only way to deal with this problem is to eliminate it in the first instance by seeking help. Home detox can help you through the entire process.



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