
How Enterprises Can Leverage the Power of AI for Marketing

By rotide
Created 13/07/2018 - 10:37
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Since the introduction of Big Data, companies are working extensively towards building better understanding about the customers' preferences and behaviour.

With robust AI powered tools, enterprises are now finally able to utilize the heaps of data by developing useful patterns and finding successful courses of action.

As more players are further advancing their expertise in AI and Big Data, the technology has found applications in all business database domains. From CRM to chatbots, all the enterprise systems are being driven by data centric artificial intelligence systems.

How is Artificial Intelligence Helping?

AI in Marketing Activities

Marketing is all about understanding your customers. An effective marketing campaign is developed as per the preferences and behaviour of the target audience. While marketers relied on minimalistic data for their inferences, Big Data and AI have changed the landscape of marketing completely. These days, there are smart tools available for making marketing a more personalised and targeted activity. The machine learning algorithms run by AI platforms allow companies to have a deeper understanding of the customers and other stakeholders. It is easier than even to integrate the marketing and CRM activities, personalise and automate email marketing campaigns, and so much more.

AI in Customer Relationship Management

These days, many CRM and sales platforms are extensively working towards capitalizing the power of artificial intelligence [1]IBM Power Systems [2]deliver faster input / output (I/O). This allows the system to ingest, move and access large volumes of data faster, making analytics results available to the user in no time.

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