Despite the current tough trading conditions, we are seeing more and more people setting up their own business. In fact, it would seem that this rise in entrepreneurial spirit comes as a direct result of the economic climate, with people opting to become masters of their own destinies in the face of corporate job cuts, as well as graduates and young people choosing to start up on their own.  Whatever the reason for taking the plunge it's important for new businesses to understand that competing with market leading brands is completely within their grasp. Many of the barriers that used to make turning a good idea into a profitable one have been greatly reduced. For example, marketing your brand and appearing professional is now more attainable and affordable for small businesses than ever before.

With the popularity of online communications and social media, small businesses can be in direct contact with customers and promote themselves for free, avoiding expensive advertising costs. Likewise, when it comes to branding and marketing materials, Avery's Solutions for Small Businesses range means that start-ups, sole traders, micro businesses and SMEs can easily create professional end-results that match the standard of the big brands without paying for bulk orders or design costs. Indeed, in many instances, smaller businesses actually have key advantages over larger organisations.

Keep in mind that a small business can have much better control over their output and interaction with customers than bigger organisations typically can. Small business owners are often likely to be directly involved in employee and customer communications and, as a result, are far more likely to be aware of the overall levels of service their customers receive, as well as the satisfaction levels of both customers and staff. Remember that big businesses often spend a fortune trying to replicate the intimate personal connections that small businesses have with their customers. It's widely acknowledged that customers like to feel understood, valued and special to the companies they buy from, which can be a lot easier to achieve as a small business. When customers feel all of these things they start to like your brand and trust your service, choosing to buy from you more often and recommending you to others around them.

This is when small businesses and start-ups can really begin to experience a rapid growth in demand for their products and services. So if you've got a great business idea, the message is don't be afraid to go for it. Your business really can measure up to the big brands out there and stands every chance of thriving. 

For more ideas and advice, download the free guide on how to make the right impression in business by visiting


Gregg Corbett – Marketing Director, Avery Office & Consumer Products