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Training tips from the CIPD

How small firms can make the most of staff training

Julie Meyer: 'How to secure investment'

To secure investment entrepreneurs must first seduce investors and then highlight their ability to execute their business plan

Google + users are now required to use real names only as their account usernames on the rapidly expanding social network site.

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Post Date: July 27th, 2011
Anyone else been scared rigid by scenes of mountains of computers being hacked apart for revenue in African townships ? Computers that were originally disposed of at athorised council tipping centres? As a company keeping up todate with fast moving technology and having to update your workforce's kit regularly just to function, be careful how you do it. Valuable details gleaned from hard drives are sold on and can bite you badly. Have a look at where they deal with the security side, they recyle in a totally responsible fashion and there may be value in the items you are disposing a win win all the way around

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Post Date: July 20th, 2011
As someone with a Virgin flight getting ever closer, it is nice to see that common sense has prevailed and the strike has been resolved. I always love to think of the pilot sitting up front with no worries or cares troubling him, or her, other than my safe arrival, when in actuality they are probably planning the evening's entertainment on autopilot. Air traffic controllers though, who love a good strike threat, are probably just on the very edge of sanity so they should be dealt with as carefully as you might in a hostage situation, which is what Joe public usually is.

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Post Date: July 8th, 2011
It appears that Japan has located Rare Earth deposits in the Pacific Ocean, somewhere in the region of 100 billion tons, threatening China's monopoly on this commodity. Does that mean the stuff needs to be renamed?

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Post Date: July 4th, 2011
Greece may have voted through the austerity package but there appears to be only 155 people in the entire country that want it

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Post Date: June 30th, 2011
The markets have recovered from the S&P credit warning on US debt reasonably well but the deficit they face is truly staggering. Let's face it however,the US is not going to defult on its obligations but positive progress needs to be made very soon or political infighting in the US could caue the whole pack of cards to fall,if no agreement is reached on Obama's deficit reduction plans Interesting that current equity markets can handle the sheer volume of negative news without going into meltdown mode

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Post Date: April 19th, 2011
Markets aside,how sad is the current situation in Japan? with 2,500 people killed and thousands more still missing and if that wasn't enough,you have a potential nuclear catastrophe unfolding also. The earthquake was the 5th largest since 1900, massive by any standards but the destructive power of the tsunami it caused is truly incredible. Unrelenting power that surged to 6 miles inland in some coastal regions, creating a total wasteland in it's path. The pictures coming out of Sendai, just one of the stricken areas are just mind blowing as cars and even ships are tossed aside like matchwood.

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Post Date: March 15th, 2011
Oil prices are slightly lower as Opec members discuss making up the shortfall through Libyan disruption, though the situation there is anything but resolved. The impact of higher oil prices, that would soar if Saudi Arabia were involved would severely inhibit the global recovery but the whole scenario is like a black cloud hanging over the world's equity markets.

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Post Date: March 8th, 2011
Not as good as expected, their cost base rising to an unacceptable level and though bad debt levels are much improved they are still huge but it is the declining revenue figures that have disappointed and their shares are down close to 5% in the UK as a result

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Post Date: February 28th, 2011
As a member of the UK public and therefore a shareholder of LLoyds Bank and the RBS,I was interested to see how well they are doing,though LLoyds substantial exposure to Ireland is worrying still, where about one in four mortgages is in arrears.

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Post Date: February 25th, 2011
For the past couple of weeks i have found myself on and off The website allows firms or individuals to post projects online , specifying the project details and amount offered for completion. It works on a feedback based system that allows freelancers to grow a reputation based on the quality of their work. In the current climate, with so many jobless; a site such as freelancer is a breathe of fresh air. Talented individuals can secure a form of income, whilst start-ups with low capital can benefit from the ability to post their projects at their own cost level. Are you in the process of getting your business off the ground? Perhaps you need a website, or a skilled digital artist to turn your branding idea's in to reality at a cost that works for you. Post a trial project free of charge using the voucher code NEWBIZ

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Post Date: February 17th, 2011
Another successful set of figures from Domino's pizza today. The £1m sales figure comes from only 3 months of the iphone app being live; highlighting the effectiveness of convenience when purchasing online through mobile devices. Have you considered mobile apps for your firm? Either for online shopping, or raising brand awareness?

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Post Date: February 15th, 2011
It always makes for positive reading in these difficult times to read that the private sector is generating an increasing amount of employment opportunities. Lets hope that the government continues to focus significant effort on private sector growth, to offset the damage caused within the private sector.

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Post Date: February 14th, 2011