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Creating a positive business culture can lead to increased productivity,

We all know the benefits of a happy work force – better retention, more productivity and lower recruitment costs. Most importantly our own lives are better when surrounded by happy motivated employees.

It is of course positive news to hear that small businesses will benefit from todays banks lending agreement. With small firms expected to recieve 76bn, there is still a question of whether quite enough has been done; with many business owners still feeling starved of financial support.

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Post Date: February 9th, 2011
Most economists would be saying "about time" but better late than never. Lots of synergy over and above cost cutting and gives the merged larger concern more muscle and combined liquidity in attracting global investors. The initial 10% rise in the LSE share price in London this morning confirms the market positive reception of this move.

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Post Date: February 9th, 2011
Its good news to hear that small businesses have upped their manufacturing output, despite the intense cost pressures they are facing. An even sharper increase has been forecast in the forthcoming quarter.

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Post Date: February 7th, 2011
It is difficult to see the cuts made to axe Citizens Advice Debt Advisors today as anything but a little shortsighted. Although cuts surely have to be made across the board, it is particularly untimely to diminish the support available to those incurring debts, as ultimately the inability to pay mortages and the loss of family homes comes at great expense to the state.

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Post Date: February 1st, 2011
Despite reports of the anti-government situation in Egypt shifting focus from the economic crisis for the time being; alarmingly UK banks are among the most exposed to the situation, with only French banks having more Egyptian borrowers in Europe.

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Post Date: January 31st, 2011
It is concerning once again to see further drops in house prices announced today. This is now a drop for the seventh consecutive month. One wonders just how far we can expect them to fall over the coming months.

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Post Date: January 27th, 2011
It is certainly of serious concern today to hear of the 0.5% GDP quarterly contraction. Whilst the weather towards the end of last year was a factor, even taking this variable out of the equation the underlying growth picture is still significantly weaker than expected. A Q1 rebound following this is likely, but will surely be hampered by other elements such as the VAT hike no doubt.

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Post Date: January 25th, 2011
Best wishes today to British Airways following their merger with Iberia. Their brand will now be known as IAG on the stock exchange. I excect we may see more of these mergers as the need to cut costs in the aviation industry increases.

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Post Date: January 24th, 2011
It comes as little suprise today that the government have not delivered on their promise to increase bank lending to small businesses. It seems nobody is championing the cause for firms to recieve the backing they require. Without this support it will be very difficult for small businesses to achieve growth.

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Post Date: January 24th, 2011
its of major concern the number of small firms closing , obviously this is a major problem for the economy as small firms are the life-blood of the economic recovery.

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Post Date: January 24th, 2011

Nick Ogden launches

Nick Ogden, launches

It is a significant concerned to see the figures showing mortgage advances dropping by 6% through December today. A flat property market is definately not good for the economy. Lets hope that mortgage lenders show more flexibility over the coming months.

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Post Date: January 21st, 2011
It is always worrying to see unemployment on the increase, but particularly worrying is the number of young people contributing to that figure. Todays youth represent the skills and ideas of the future, and the current volume left jobless could spell major loss for the future of British business.

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Post Date: January 20th, 2011
Following the announcement of unemployment figures increasing by 49,000 up to November, it is plain to see that the cuts made by the Coalition Government are yet to yield tangible benefit on the total number that remain jobless. It is clear that in order to successfully overcome the challenges ahead, they have a significant task to rebalance the economy and properly support private sector growth, and ultimatey earn the publics faith.

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Post Date: January 19th, 2011