They were soon banished to the garden shed in Laura's mother's back garden that became known as the ‘Popcorn Shed', and the rest as they history.

Eureka moment?

My cousin Sam and I are foodies and during a trip to the USA, we discovered the wonderful world of gourmet popcorn which set our tongues drooling and our entrepreneurial minds going.

On returning to the UK we realised that great tasting and high-quality popcorn was not easy to source and spotted a gap in the mainstream market.

We had always flirted with the idea of running our own family food business together as we are complete foodies and in a moment of madness around our 30th birthdays we took a leap of faith (early life crisis) in 2016 from a ‘kernel of an idea' I have been POPping up a storm with the launch with a luxury gourmet popcorn brand Popcorn Shed.

Food has the power to bring people together.

It's a form of self-expression. But when shared with others, it can build and nurture relationships, help mend problems, and serve as a source of inspiration.


Savings, family and Start-up loans.


I try not to focus on the past. Regret is form of self-punishment.  Everything is experience and learning.

What would you have changed?

I would have gotten more experience of the sector rather than jumping in with no knowledge, contacts, or experience. We would have achieved and scaled much quicker.